I'm trying to create an example of HierachicalWebDataGrid using xml data but it doesn't work.
i followed this example . But the page is blanc.
Hello heni86_2003 ,
There seems to be a slight mismatching between the xml file and the mark up in the sample so if you try and copy this code directly into a solution it would not work. First off the XPath should look like this:”XPath="/Categories/Category" “ since an element with the name NewDataSet doesn’t exist in that xml file. Also for the bands the DataMember property should match an element from the xml file. So for the sibling band 1 the DataMember should be DataMember="Product" and so on. Please refer to the attachment for a working sample.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Please refer to the attachment. Therein you’ll find working samples of those two scenarios.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding them.