I have a WebSplitter with two vertical splitterpanes. I want to collapse the first pane and also increase the size of second pane to 100% width. I have a datalist inside the second splitter pane and on collapsing the first pane the size of datalist along with the second pane should be increased to width 100%. Can anyone help me on how to do this on client side.
Hello mmegha ,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
I recommend you handling the Collapsed client side event.
You can get the width of the second pane and set it to the datalist
function WebSplitter1_Collapsed(sender, eventArgs)
///<param name="sender" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.WebSplitter"></param>
///<param name="eventArgs" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.SplitterCollapsedStateEventArgs"></param>
//Add code to handle your event here.
var size = eventArgs.get_affectedPane().get_size();
Also please make sure that you have set EnableRelativeLayout="true"
Let me know if you need further assistance.