I have an issue with new SR 11.1.20111.2064. In previous version all was working fine.
When webdatatree is in aspx event is raised properly, but if it is in ascx that is added dynamically to page from code in Page_Init event is not rasied at all.
I've found simillar issue in forum when webdatatree is in websplitter, but not sure if it is the same issue.
I can send you and example project if you want so you could try mine setup.
I've found simple workaround
If IsPostBack AndAlso Request.Form("__EVENTARGUMENT").StartsWith("NodeClick:") Then
Dim path As String = Request.Form("__EVENTARGUMENT").Replace("NodeClick:", "")
path = path.Substring(0, path.IndexOf(":"))
Dim node As Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.DataTreeNode = Nothing
For Each nodeIndex As String In path.Split(".")
If node Is Nothing Then
node = lhsTree.Nodes(Integer.Parse(nodeIndex))
node = node.Nodes(nodeIndex)
End If
Dim eargs As New Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.DataTreeNodeEventArgs(node)
lhsTree_NodeClick(sender, eargs)
this should be executed in usercontrol page_load event.
Still waiting for information about real issue