I am using Infragistics UltraWebGrip (Version=7.3.20073.1053). Following is the design code that is being used:
igtbl:ultrawebgrid><igtbl:ultrawebgrid id="grdPOItem"
style="Z-INDEX: 114; LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 281px" runat="server"
Height="192px" width="849" ImageDirectory="/ig_common/Images/" EnableViewState="False"
AddNewRow Visible="NotSet" View="NotSet"></AddNewRow>
<DisplayLayout UseFixedHeaders="True" StationaryMargins="HeaderAndFooter" AllowSortingDefault="OnClient"
RowHeightDefault="20px" Version="3.00" SelectTypeRowDefault="Extended" RowsRange="1000" HeaderClickActionDefault="SortMulti"
BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" AllowColSizingDefault="Free"
EnableInternalRowsManagement="True" Name="grdPOItem" LoadonDemand="Xml" TableLayout="Fixed">
However, after implementing the UltraWebGrid in the above manner, paging is not happening. A separate method for InitializeDataSource is not written in this page because the grid is getting populated using DataSet.
How can I make Browser="Xml" and LoadonDemand="Xml" successful work in this page? Partial postback is an absolute necessary for this grid on this page.
When I click on Links of Pager in Infragistics Ultraweb grid in IE 9 then getting following error:-
I am using
Infragistics Version=8.3.20083.1009. Please help in this regard.
W8tg 4 ur +ve and immediate reply.
Hi Sai,
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance.
Thank you for your reply.
For IE9 you should use the latest service release for 10.3 (the base release 1013 does not support IE9). I therefore suggest that you upgrade your product version to the latest service release.
Please note that as of 11.2 our classic ASP.NET controls including UltraWebGrid have been retired. You can find detailed information regarding the latest product changes at:
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Hi Petar,
LoadOnDemand feature is not working fine in IE9.
Ultrawebgrid doesn't show the records when LoadOnDemand feature is enabled.
NOTE: We have updated to new infragistics version (10.3.20103.1013)
Please let me know if you need any info.
Hi all,
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.