I am using Infragistics UltraWebGrip (Version=7.3.20073.1053). Following is the design code that is being used:
igtbl:ultrawebgrid><igtbl:ultrawebgrid id="grdPOItem"
style="Z-INDEX: 114; LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 281px" runat="server"
Height="192px" width="849" ImageDirectory="/ig_common/Images/" EnableViewState="False"
AddNewRow Visible="NotSet" View="NotSet"></AddNewRow>
<DisplayLayout UseFixedHeaders="True" StationaryMargins="HeaderAndFooter" AllowSortingDefault="OnClient"
RowHeightDefault="20px" Version="3.00" SelectTypeRowDefault="Extended" RowsRange="1000" HeaderClickActionDefault="SortMulti"
BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" AllowColSizingDefault="Free"
EnableInternalRowsManagement="True" Name="grdPOItem" LoadonDemand="Xml" TableLayout="Fixed">
However, after implementing the UltraWebGrid in the above manner, paging is not happening. A separate method for InitializeDataSource is not written in this page because the grid is getting populated using DataSet.
When "next' link is clicked, the grid does not show the next page. It is showing the first page only. Though I can see a partial postback call is happening.
How can I make Browser="Xml" and LoadonDemand="Xml" successful work in this page? Partial postback is an absolute necessary for this grid on this page.
Hi sormita,
Please note that when using XML load on demand and using a data source which is to be bound in the code behind, you should handle the InitializaDataSource event in order for the grid to operate correctly in this scenario. You can find a detailed guide for implementing UltraWebGrid LoadOnDemand at:
Please let me know if this helps.
Best Regards,
Petar IvanovDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.http://ko.infragistics.com/support
Hi Petar,
Please understand that the InitializeDataSource method is in place and is working properly, but the pageindex is getting changed after the control renders back to client side. I cannot figure out why. Please help me identify the javascript calls that are called from ultrawebgrid data grid and date picker which might hinder/affect pagination.
Hi Alex,
Can you please point out as to how pagination can be done without using the properties Browser='Xml' and LoadonDemand='Xml'? Partial postback is also required in my page.