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How to Remove Hyperlinks while exporting grid cells


I have a webdatagrid and i have a column of type LinkButton that. I have written some code to give URLs to Linkbutton in InitializeRow of event.

Now when i am using WebExcelExporter, i am not able to remove these hyperlinks in the exported Excel. How can i do this without loosing theme and formatting.

Thanks in advance.


  • 103


    I could able to figure out the solution for removing Hyperlinks in the template columns. 

    Here is the code which will remove Hyperlinks while downloading into excel.

     protected void urlDownloads_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

                    uwgCostCenterAdmin.Behaviors.Paging.Enabled = false;

                    uwgCostCenterAdmin.Columns[4].Hidden = true;
                    WebExcelExporter1.DownloadName = "CostCenter";
                    this.WebExcelExporter1.EnableStylesExport = true;
                    uwgCostCenterAdmin.Behaviors.Paging.Enabled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

                    throw ex;

            private int GetIndex(string text)
                for (int i = uwgCostCenterAdmin.Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (uwgCostCenterAdmin.Columns[i].Header.Text == text)
                        return i;
                return 0;

            protected void WebExcelExporter1_CellExporting(object sender, ExcelCellExportingEventArgs e)
                if (!e.IsHeaderCell && !e.IsFooterCell && !e.IsSummaryCell)
                    int index = GetIndex(System.Convert.ToString(e.Worksheet.Rows[0].Cells[e.CurrentColumnIndex].Value));
                    GridRecordItem item = uwgCostCenterAdmin.Rows[e.CurrentRowIndex - 1].Items[index];

                    if (item.Column.GetType().Name == "TemplateDataField")
                        TemplateDataField field = item.Column as TemplateDataField;
                        HyperLink costcenterLink = item.FindControl("costcenterLink") as HyperLink;
                        if (costcenterLink != null)
                            e.WorksheetCell.Value = costcenterLink.Text;
                            e.Cancel = true;

                        e.WorksheetCell.Value = item.Text;
                        e.Cancel = true;

    Hope this helps.