I am using Infragistics Ultrawebgrid on my asp page,now I need to sort data based on user clicked columns but every time i don't want to fetch the records from the table.
I have enabled the in-build sorting property but at certain situations the sorting is not in sorted order ,here when the user clicks a specific column of the Grid, the data must be sorted based on the column not from the database query..can any one help me to find solution .......
Hi anbusel,
I would suggest that you set the "AllowSortingDefault" property in your grid's DisplayLayout to "OnClient" to allow for client-side sorting. If you are experiancing additional issues with sorting I would need a more detailed description of the behaviors you are experiencing along with information regarding your product version.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Best Regards,
Petar IvanovDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.http://ko.infragistics.com/support
Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance regarding your scenario.
Hi Viviek,
Thank you for your reply.
In order to try and improve the client-side sorting performance you may want to use a different sorting algorithm:
You can also define a custom sorting algorith for either serverside or clientside sorting:
Please note that the UltraWebGrid control is now outdated and as of .NetAdvantage 2011 Volume 2 is no longer included in our product package. I would suggest that you consider switching to the WebDataGrid/WebHieararchicalDataGrid. More information regarding these controls is available at:
Additional samples demonstrating the features of these grids can be found at:http://samples.infragistics.com/aspnet/
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Hi Petar Ivanov,
Thanks for reply. i need one more clarification.
Client-Side Sorting (performance issue)
I'm using an UltraWebGrid to display data, with client-side sorting. but the performance is low and it take more time to sort.
Broswer="Xml"; LoadOnDemand="Xml"; AllowSortingDefault="OnClient";
i need the clarification of why taking more time to sort and how to resolve the issue.
AllowSortingDefault = "OnClient" [sorting is performed on the client]
AllowSortingDefault = "Yes" [sorting is performed on the server]
I need the clarification client-side sorting performance.
Client-side sorting AllowSortingDefault = "OnClient" with the following add-on two property Browser = "xml" and LoadOnDemand="xml" then the performance is very low. what action doing the client-side sort.
Hi Vivek,
Please note that when using XML load on demand in UltraWebGrid sorting is happenning on the server (an asynchronous call is made). Regarding client-side sorting performance of the UltraWebGrid please take into account that this also depends on the processing capabilities of the browser. Attempting to sort a large number of rows on the client may therefore be slow.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions regarding this matter.