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WebDropDown - Dynamic AutoComplete with OnSelectionChanged Bug

I'm building a search function that changes the search values/list items in I'm webdropdown #1 whenever the user changes the search category in webdropdown #2.

I'm have  autocomplete enabled in webdrowdown #1 and I'm dynamically populating webdropdown #1 through the onselectionchanged event of another webdrowdown #2. However, only the first 100 items appear in webdrowdown #1 but when I type in a few characters in webdropdown#1 the autofilter does not function at all even though a few items are listed. The items dataset has about 3k rows. Any help is appreciated.


protected void WtxSearchCriteria_OnSelectedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


        string findOption;

        findOption = WtxSearchCriteria.SelectedValue.ToString();


switch (findOption)


         case "ValueR":  //  searching by value R


                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnableLoadOnDemand = true;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnableViewState = true;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.AutoPostBackFlags.ValueChanged =                        Infragistics.Web.UI.AutoPostBackFlag.On;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnableAutoFiltering = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.AutoFiltering.Server;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.AutoSelectOnMatch = true;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnablePaging = false;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.AutoFilterResultSize = 100;
                    DLSearch dls = new DLSearch();
                    DataTable dtAutoComplete = dls.GetSearchOnValuesR();
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.DataSource = dtAutoComplete;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.ValueField = "ValueR_ID";
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.TextField = " ValueR _Number";
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.DropDownItemBinding.TextField = " ValueR _ID";
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.DropDownItemBinding.ValueField = " ValueR _ID";




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