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WebDropDown - Dynamic AutoComplete with OnSelectionChanged Bug

I'm building a search function that changes the search values/list items in I'm webdropdown #1 whenever the user changes the search category in webdropdown #2.

I'm have  autocomplete enabled in webdrowdown #1 and I'm dynamically populating webdropdown #1 through the onselectionchanged event of another webdrowdown #2. However, only the first 100 items appear in webdrowdown #1 but when I type in a few characters in webdropdown#1 the autofilter does not function at all even though a few items are listed. The items dataset has about 3k rows. Any help is appreciated.


protected void WtxSearchCriteria_OnSelectedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


        string findOption;

        findOption = WtxSearchCriteria.SelectedValue.ToString();


switch (findOption)


         case "ValueR":  //  searching by value R


                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnableLoadOnDemand = true;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnableViewState = true;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.AutoPostBackFlags.ValueChanged =                        Infragistics.Web.UI.AutoPostBackFlag.On;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnableAutoFiltering = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.AutoFiltering.Server;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.AutoSelectOnMatch = true;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.EnablePaging = false;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.AutoFilterResultSize = 100;
                    DLSearch dls = new DLSearch();
                    DataTable dtAutoComplete = dls.GetSearchOnValuesR();
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.DataSource = dtAutoComplete;
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.ValueField = "ValueR_ID";
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.TextField = " ValueR _Number";
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.DropDownItemBinding.TextField = " ValueR _ID";
                    WtxSearchValueAuto.DropDownItemBinding.ValueField = " ValueR _ID";




  • 13438

    Hello Lionel

    I will need more detailed information. Please let me know with which build you are using to build your website. Our latest build is 11.2.20112.2025. What browser you are using to test this behavior? Is it reproduced under all browsers or any specific?