I recently migrated my project to version 11.2 .net 4.0. and i have UltraWebListbar control in my old project.
Which, should update after using version utility but its still showing me following error. and also i cannot find ultrawebslistbar control in control toolkit?
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC30652: Reference required to assembly 'Infragistics4.WebUI.Shared.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.1013, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' containing the type 'Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.Style'. Add one to your project.Source Error:
Line 121: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel8" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false"> Line 122: <ContentTemplate> Line 123: <iglbar:UltraWebListbar ID="UltraWebListbar1" runat="server" BarWidth="100%" BorderWidth="" Line 124: CssClass="igwlbExplorerBarMainBlue2k7" GroupSpacing="0px" ImageDirectory="eImages/" Line 125: ViewType="ExplorerBar" Height="100%" Width="197px">
Hello Infra_Jag,
The UltraWebListBar was removed from the control set in 11.2. We recently updated the Version Utility to alert the user about any controls that cannot be upgraded because they were removed.
For more information about the product changes in 11.2, please read this blog post.
This control still exists in 11.1, so you could "downgrade" to that version.
It is recommended that you switch out the UltraWebListBar for WebExplorerBar. That is a more long-term solution.
Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer
I noticed in webexplorerbar there is not key attribute.
i was using
what i am suppose to use now ?
any ideas?
System.Windows.Forms is the namespace for the MessageBox. You don't need to import this namespace if you don't use the MessageBox.
I tried to put the WebExplorerBar code I already had inside an Ajax UpdatePanel, but it did not recognize the Infragistics controls (or the Button control) in there.
If you remove the UpdatePanel, does it work? I have attached my project that does not use the UpdatePanel. (I had to remove the ig_res folder so it would upload. If you view it in design mode, it should prompt you to add this folder.)
If you need to use the UpdatePanel, I can forward your post to Developer Support. They will be able to assist you in getting your project to work.
Thank you for your quick response.
Elizabeth Albert"]If you need to use the UpdatePanel, I can forward your post to Developer Support. They will be able to assist you in getting your project to work.
Dont think at this point i will go down that path, due to project commitments. (In a process of migrating legacy based application to infragistics based).
Yes, you are right about ajax UpdatePanel, if its easy fix i wiould like to use it.
Question : How to get "groups >> item(i am using template place holder)" level from codebehind. I am poppulating placeholder from codebehind with a list of tickets...
<%--<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel8" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false"> <ContentTemplate>--%> <ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" runat="server" Width="197px"> <Groups> <ig:ExplorerBarGroup Text="New Tickets" TemplateId="NewTicket"> <Template> <asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder> </Template> </ig:ExplorerBarGroup>
You can add items in the code behind like this.
Dim newItem1 As ExplorerBarItem = New ExplorerBarItem("Item 2", "Item2")
CType(WebExplorerBar1.Groups.FromValue("Group2"), ExplorerBarGroup).Items.Add(newItem1)
(this requires "Imports Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls")
To reference a group's items from the code behind:
CType(WebExplorerBar1.Groups.FromValue("GroupValue"), ExplorerBarGroup).Items(Index)
"Index" is the number from 0 to X-1 when you have X items in that group.
Similarly, you can also use Items.FromValue("ItemValue"), as you do with the Groups.
Dim group1 As ExplorerBarGroup = CType(WebExplorerBar1.Groups.FromValue("Group2"), ExplorerBarGroup)
CType(group1.Items.FromValue("Item2"), ExplorerBarItem).Text = "Item 222"
I tried to add a new ExplorerBarItem to the Template and also to the placeholder, but it requires a System.Web.UI.Control. If possible, directly adding Items to a Group is simpler. I would recommend giving your ExplorerBarGroup a Value so you can easily reference it. You can then add to its Items collection directly.
Thank you for detailed reply..
Wondering, If you can attach a working project?
In setting up our WebExplorerBar programmatically, a PlaceHolder is not required. You may directly add an ExplorerBarItem to an ExplorerBarGroup using the following code:
ExplorerBarGroup group = new ExplorerBarGroup(); group.Text = "Folders"; this.WebExplorerBar1.Groups.Add(group);
ExplorerBarItem item = new ExplorerBarItem(); item.Text = "Documents"; group.Items.Add(item);
item = new ExplorerBarItem(); item.Text = "Samples"; group.Items.Add(item);
For more details please refer to the sample attached.
With regards to the inaccessibility error due to protection level error you are having, I suggest creating a new aspx page within the solution/project you are working on. For additional details please refer to the following forum thread:
I hope this helps.
If you have any questions, please let me know as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Our WebExplorerBar's ItemHovered clientside event may be an alternative to the OnMouseHover function. The ItemHovered event may be handled using the JavaScript code in the OnMouseHover function with or without a few alterations. If you wish, you may attach the function code. This way I may be able to provide a more definitive alternative.
The WebExplorerBarItem's ToolTip property may also provide tooltip function as the mouse hovers over the item.
Thank for update..
I guess this is the scond Developer case on my request's in 1 month.
A Developer Support case has been opened for you. They will contact you to help resolve the issue.
My question was how can i add onMouse Hover javascript? if you look at my code in above post you will know?