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Multiple controls with the same ID 'it0_0' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.

I was working on 2 WebDataGrid controls where in the selected records can be interchanged when a button is clicked. example: I can transfer the values of grid1-> A,B,C,D,E to grid2 and vice versa. I did this on the server side by manipulating the datasources (List<T>) of both WebdataGrids. On the third time that I interchanged the records, the error "Multiple controls with the same ID 'it0_0' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. " was encountered.

Please note of the code below when I change the datasource and rebind:

  • grdAssigned.ClearDataSource();
  • grdUnassigned.ClearDataSource();
  • grdAssigned.DataSource = assignedList;
  • grdAssigned.DataBind();
  • grdUnassigned.DataSource = unassignedList;
  • grdUnassigned.DataBind();

This is the first time I am working with WebDataGrids. Please let me know how to fix this or if there are patches that can be downloaded that would address the issue. I tried work arounds mentioned on the other threads, so far none of it was able to fix my concern.
