I've been trying to use the new Persistance Framework, followed the tutorial on enabling it site-wide (in web.config) and attaching event handlers in global.asax.
With a breakpoint on the PersistenceSaved event, I always receive an exception in the passed PersistenceEventArgs which I can't figure out:
{"Property accessor 'InnerHtml' on object 'Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.IGDiv' threw the following exception:'Cannot get inner content of hdr because the contents are not literal.'"}
Obviously it's not persisting anything, and I can't even find this IGDiv object (using the VS object browser).
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Leon,
How do you have persistance set in your web.config file? Can you show your mark-up?
Also, which tutorial are you following? Is it this: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2011.2/CLR4.0/?page=PersistenceFramework_Getting_Started_with_Persistence_Framework.html?
If another tutorial, can you point me to wha tyou are following?
Yes, that's the tutorial.
Unfortunately I cannot provide a sample project, since this is part of a huge asp.net product, and that error message simply doesn't help identifying the root cause - or even which control is causing this...
Please let me know if you need any additional assistance regarding this matter.
I have spoken to our development team and what I can share is that the IGDiv is specifically used by the WebExplorerBar control. This is the control we can look at a bit more closely.
Leon, can you tell what property settings you have for the WebExplorerBar and how you are persisting this control? I am attempting to reproduce the error and these details will help me to narrow down the steps-to reproduce.
I realize we need to be able to reproduce this but first I need to debug it in order to pinpoint which control on which page is causing this (again, the exception stack from your control is not helpful, not even the control id/type is given!) - I already gave you all the info I've got.
If you can't provide me more information based on the exception error I've posted, I'll need to manually find out which control throws this and why this happens - I'll post on this thread for a patch request once I figure this out.
Leon Segal
Can you tell me which which NetAdvantage assembly version and build you are using? You can find this in your aspx and web.config file. I'm looking for the four digit number at the end of the version (e.g. 'version="11.2.20112.2086'). If you are using an earlier build then mentioned here, my first recommendation is to update to the latest service release.
The most recent service release that updates your assemblies to the above mentioned build corrects a specific issue that was related the WebDataMenu. That issue was not related to Persistence Framework but if you are using a WDM on your page with an earlier assembly build, I recommend installing this service release as this error you are referencing points to the navigation controls.
Debugging this scenario can be time consuming. If there are any details you can give me so that I can create a test sample on my side, I will attempt to reproduce the issue.
For example, if you can provide your project that is idea. But understanding tha you are unable to, can you tell me:
1) 2) which Infragistics controls do you have on your page(s)
3) an overview of your project set-up
4) browse(s) you are testing within
5) any other details that will help me to create a project that resembles your project
For me to assist I will need to be able to reproduce this behavior so that I can research the issue. Or, if you can create a test sample that reproduces this issue, I can work off that.
Finally, for debugging on your side, you can first isolate any navigation controls on your page and see if the error perisists (http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2011.2/CLR4.0/?page=Infragistics4.Web.v11.2~Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls_namespace_hierarchy.html). You can also turn on first chance exceptions in Visual Studio to see what (if any) errors are cropping-up. After that, the debugging will require a more indepth evaluation.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance regarding this matter.