protected void btnOKExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string filename = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(this.txtFileNameExport.Text); filename = filename.Replace("+", "%20"); this.eExporter.DownloadName = filename; this.eExporter.DataExportMode = (DataExportMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataExportMode), this.rdoExportTypeExport.SelectedValue); this.eExporter.WorkbookFormat = (Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookFormat), "Excel97To2003"); bool singleGridPerSheet = false; this.eExporter.Export(singleGridPerSheet, this.webDGExport); } I want to hide the modalpopup extender after the above button click event which is not happening. Please help.
Hi Bebu,
Could you please clarify your question - how exactly you are using ModalPopupExtender? Anyway, you could try to call its Hide method after the line exporting the grid.
Hello Bebu,
Please let me know if you still need assistance with the matter.
I have the same issue. After calling .Export() on the ExcelExporter, the page response is never sent to the client. there is no code execution after the call to .Export(). I have verified that the Page_LoadComplete() event does not fire.
We are having this issue also, please advise.....
I have the same probleme!!!
Is there any fix for this old post? I'm still experiencing this problem.
Hi we are also facing the same issue. We are unable to close our progressing bar of download after .export() call. As we are initiating that progressbar from javascript on button click. But after exporting to the data in excel we are unable to close it.
No kidding. i'm not doing a custom export. i am popping up a spinning progress indicator on the client side when i click my export button. then the export button's server side event handler calls .Export(). i need a response to the client so I know when to close the spinning progress indicator. without this, i can never close the popup. the grid exports just fine to excel.