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ig_dispose function


we load a lot of infragistics controls in a web page and we see it spends a lot of time executing the ig_dispose function when we unload that page.

When the number of controls is very high, we get the following message: "Stop running this script? A Script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Yes / No"

Is it necessary to call this function so many times (recursively)? Is it necessary to call this function at all? Why is it only executing when the browser is IE and the number version is less than 9? What happens in the other browsers?

Thanks in advance!


  • 7570

    Hello alfmag,

    I apologize for the delay in my response. I was trying to reproduce the issue you are having.

    Yes. It is necessary to run ig_dispose(). This way we are able to free up resources used by our controls.

    On the surface compatibility comes into mind. Please let me know what  .NetAdvantage version and build you are using.

    Furthermore, it will assist us in isolating the cause of the issue, if we have an idea of which of our control you have in your application.

    If you have any questions, please let me know as well.


  • 780
    Offline posted in reply to [Infragistics] Vivian

    Hello Vivian,

    I send you an image where you can see how many times ig_dispose is called (181.806)!

    As you can see we are using version 4.3 (4.3.20043.1094).

    Most of the controls used are Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.WebTextEdit. We have also some Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.WebDateTimeEdit and Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.NumericEdit controls.

    You didn´t answered my last question. Why do you only need to free up resources in IE?


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