I am using a WebDataGrid and trying to export the data via the WebExcelExporter. I am using Infragistics 4 v11.2. Whenever the data is exported, the file dialog has a type of ASP.NET page instead of Excel. I can change the file manually from an .aspx page to an Excel file, but that will not work for normal users. My code is about as simply as you can get. The WebDataGrid is named wdgCustomers witch is very basic and has AIJAX disabled. Here are my WebExcelExporter settings:
<ig:WebExcelExporter ID="ExcelExportCust" runat="server"
WorkbookFormat="Excel2007" DownloadName="Customers"></ig:WebExcelExporter>
Code behind on click handler of export to excel button:
protected void btnExportCustExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Here is the download prompt I receive:
I noticed I had a warning that a reference to Infragistics4.WebUI.Documents.Excel.v11.2 was missing in my project. I added that to my Web, but that did not remedy the issue.
Please help!
Hello Eric,
Please refer to the following forum thread - http://community.infragistics.com/forums/t/67467.aspx
If you want to be automatically notified when the fix is published I can create a new support case for you and link it to the development issue.
Let me know if this solution will be acceptable in your case.
If you need further assistance with this question let me know.