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excel export of WHDG missing footer value

I am exporting a WHDG control to excel using WebExcelExporter.  Everything works great (I see all data, I see correct column groupings, I see proper column reordering, etc) EXCEPT for an empty footer value.

All binding is done in code-behind as the data source is determined in runtime.  I manually create the columns on the WHDG.GridView property and bind a DataSet (containing just one DataTable) to the grid control.  If a column is of a specific data type, I manually create the summary row setting via:

                whdgReport.GridView.Behaviors.SummaryRow.Enabled = true;
                var sumRowSetting = new SummaryRowSetting() { ColumnKey = rc.ColumnName, ShowSummaryButton = false, FormatString = "{0:c}" };
                sumRowSetting.SummarySettings.Add(new SummarySetting(SummaryType.Sum) { FormatString = "{1}" });
                var colSummaryInfo = new ColumnSummaryInfo() { ColumnKey = rc.ColumnName };
                colSummaryInfo.Summaries.Add(new Summary() { SummaryType = SummaryType.Sum });

When I export to excel, I correctly see a summary row and a value in the correct column, it just has a value of 0 instead of the sum of the columns.

Am I missing anything obvious?  After seeing all the data appear in the grid (along with the correct user edits -- column groupings and reordering), I was surprised to see the footer not get calculated correctly.
