I have a running project that uses UltraChart. In all functions that display or pop-up a chart, the chart files are created and displayed.
When I publish the site and run it under IIS directly, none of the chart files are created. When I view Filemon, there is no png activity.
I'm sure I have a security issue. Any one have any suggestions.
I will run your code on monday morning and find out what is wrong for you (today is daddy day) so wont be on the puter.
I am not controlling the pig files at all. The ultrachart is controlling the entire session.
The contro;;ing lines of code for each chart (there are 2) are ...
Module WebPressureChart (line 133) chart.DeploymentScenario.FilePath = WEBCONSTANTS.WEB_CHART_PATH; chart.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = WEBCONSTANTS.WEB_CHART_URL + "/PChart_#SEQNUM(100).png";
Module ChartBuilder (line 34) chart.DeploymentScenario.FilePath = WEBCONSTANTS.WEB_CHART_PATH; chart.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = WEBCONSTANTS.WEB_CHART_URL + "/Chart_#SEQNUM(100).png";
where public const string WEB_CHART_PATH = "ChartImages"; public const string WEB_CHART_URL = "AjaxPro/ChartImages";
This is the only scenario that I was able to get the charts to display running in debug (VS208), with help from support.
Are you saving the PNG files to the drive and/or are you outputing directly to the browser?