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Losing checkbox style after pagination


I'm using WebDataGrig from Infragistics Infragistics2.Web.v11.2.

WebDataGrid has enable pagination mode "NextPreviousFirstLast".

WebDataGrid has a checkbox column.

 <ig:BoundCheckBoxField DataFieldName="CONECTION" Key="CONECTION">
                    <Header Text="CONECTION" />
                    <Footer Text="CONECTION" />

On the page first load the "checkbox" are rendered correctly, but after the pagination the "checkbox" appear incorrectly, as image below:

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    More problem information:

    On the first page load, the src image is as follow:


    After pagination, the src image is as follow:


    The webconfig is as follow:

    <infragistics.web styleSetName="Default" styleSetPath="~/ig_res" imageDirectory="~/ig_res/Default/images" />