When I tested my login form in IE and FF, I don't see the dot before the submit button text. But when I view it in Chrome, I see the dot. I have attached a screenshoot in Chrome. Do you know why this is happening?
Thank you,
I have attached the images that I used.
Did you test the button in Google Chrome? The images are fine in IE and FF.
Hi tnguyen13,
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, using the last SR for 9.2 - build 2183 and the code you have provided I am still unable to replicate the behavior. Please provide me with a small sample page including the images used so that I can research this further.
I am using 9.2. This is the code to generate the button.
Skin code:
<igtxt:webimagebutton SkinId="RoundedButton24" runat="server" CssClass="button" > <Appearance> <Style> <Padding Top="0px"></Padding> <Padding Right="5px"></Padding> <Padding Bottom="1px"></Padding> <Padding Left="10px"></Padding> </Style> <Style Cursor="hand" ></Style> </Appearance> <DisabledAppearance> <Style ForeColor="gray" /> </DisabledAppearance> <RoundedCorners ImageUrl="~/images/buttons/button24_full.png" DisabledImageUrl="~/images/buttons/button24_full_disabled.png" HoverImageUrl="~/images/buttons/button24_full_hover.png" RenderingType="FileImages" HeightOfBottomEdge="0" MaxHeight="24" MaxWidth="380" /> </igtxt:webimagebutton>
Code on aspx file:
<div class="buttonShell"><igtxt:WebImageButton ID="btnSubmit" SkinID="RoundedButton24" Text="Sign In" runat="server" CausesValidation="true" OnClick="btnSignIn_Click" /></div>
.buttonShell table td { padding-right:4px; vertical-align: middle;}
Hi Trent,
Thank you for posting in the community.
I have unsuccessfully tried to replicate the behavior using 11.2.20112.1019. Please provide me with a small sample illustrating the behavior as this would allow me to study the matter in more detail. It would also help to know the exact version of .NetAdvantage which you are using.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.