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WebDatePicker doesn't pop up the calendar dialog

When clicking on the web date picker, the calendar dialog will not pop up. Please refer to the image.


The calendar dialog will not popup.

  • 85
    Suggested Answer


    I had a very similar issue also. My DatePicker would be rendered but when I clicked the dropdown button no calendar would display. I tried the default button etc but no joy.

    What it turned out to be was actually hidden in another error.

    Check your page and if you have any <%= %> in your page, wrap a asp:net placeholder or div with runat="server" around it. The acutal error being reported to the system was:


    The Controls collection cannot be modified 
    because the control contains code blocks
    (i.e. <% ... %>).


    Once I fixed this issue, the DatePicker worked as expected.

    I changed

    <div id="releaseDetails">

            Release version: v<%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("releaseVersion") %><br />

            Release date:

            <%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("releaseDate") %>





    <div id="releaseDetails"  runat="server">

            Release version: v<%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("releaseVersion") %><br />

            Release date:

            <%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("releaseDate") %>


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