I have used webnumeric editor in my webapplication with its Spinner buttons.Problem is that these spinnar buttons are rarely usable in IPAD so user needs to type. But again problem is that when i put cursor inside the field than IPAD opens Alphabetical keypad and i have to change this again into number keypad.This is very annoying.
In html5 if i have used input type="number" then it directly opens a number keypad in ipad.
Do we have any prop in that control so that it can work in IPAD without any issue.
Below is my code:
<ig:WebNumericEditor ID="Ft" DataMode="Int" runat="server" TabIndex="12" CssClass="input_TextControlClass" MinValue="0" Height="22px"> <Buttons SpinButtonsDisplay="OnRight" /> <ClientEvents ValueChanged="SetSaveButtonEnabled" Blur="PreventNumericNegativeValue" /> </ig:WebNumericEditor>
Vivek Mahawar
Hi Peter,
I downloaded your example but there is some dll problem, i think i have new version of dll that is 11.2.20112.2125 and you have created on 11.2.20112.1019. So my version should be new one and in that case this property must be supported in my version but it is not.
Please suggest what to do. And if you can create example on same version than it would be better for me.
Hi Vivek,
This functionality should be available in version 11.2. I am attaching my sample, modified to refer to 11.2 which I've tested unde IPhone. Please let me know if you are able to successfully run the sample.
I saw you version is v12.1, while mine is 11.2, so it is giving me property support error.
Peter can't i make this functionality in 11.2,I am afraid to upgrade the version because it might break many functionality of my project.
Please help me to find out the solution in same version.
Looking forward for your suggestion.
Attached is my test sample for your consideration. Please provide meyour exact product version so that I can test the matter.
Thanks peter,
I wrote,
function SetAsNumber(sender,args) { sender.get_inputElement().type = "number"; }
and called that function on Initialize in ClientsEvents,but it gives me a java script error "Object property does not support" .can you pls help.