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MissingRecordException in UnboundcheckBoxfield


I use Infragistics 11.1.20111.1006 and get the following error:

System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Web.HttpUnhandledException" wurde ausgelöst. ---> Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.MissingRecordException: Requested record cannot be found by key.

The error leads to a AJAX PageRequestManagerParserErrorException.

I searched for this issue and also tried to solve it - but without success.

My Webpage consists of a WebSplitter and two panes. The left pane consists of a UpdatePanel and a WebDataTree. The right pane also has a UpdatePanel and in that is placed a WebDataGrid (that is showing the files from a directory). The WDG consists of a set of boundcolumns and i also placed the following UnboundCheckBox:

<ig:UnBoundCheckBoxField Key="ColSel" Width="20px" ToolTipChecked="ausgewählt" ToolTipUnchecked="nicht-ausgewählt" HeaderCheckBoxMode="BiState">

In the behaviors i configured:

                                                        <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ColSel" />

The error only appears when i check one/more grid rows (via the checkbox) and then click on an other node in the tree. If none is checked the node click event successfully renews the datagrid.

I also tried ...

- ... to set AutoCRUD and EnableDataViewState - without success.
- ... to deactivate the checkboxes via javascript before the server-side nodeclick-event is executed.
- ... to loop through the checkboxes in server-side and deactivate them

Has anyone an idea what i am doing wrong and how to solve that problem?






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  • 395


    thank you for your answer. Because i have a generic list i found no way to assign the primary key to the data source.

    Instead, i changed from a UnboundCheckBoxField to an TemplateDataField. That works fine and the error message does not appear.



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