Hi team,
I am using webdatagrid in one of my applications.In the webdatagrid i have an unboundcheckbox column. For the checkbox field the headercheckbox mode is set to off. I am experiencing some weird behaviour though.Sometimes the checkbox field are shows an 2 state checkbox ( checked and unchecked) and sometimes the checkbox field are shown as tri state checkbox ( partial, checked and unchecked) . I am clueless as to what is causing this. Pls advice.
Hello,As Davind pointed our checkbox is with 3 states - checked, unchecked and undefined. Can you please attach a small sample which reproduces the issue? Where do you set the state of the checkbox? In initialize row server side event? Also you havent pointed which version and build you are using and if the issue is reproducible in all browsers or just in one.
Hi even I face the same issue. I use an Unboundcheckbox column. When I click any checkbox, the state of other checkboxes changes to "Partial" eventhough I had explicity set the mode as "bi-state" in the behaviour. My Infragistic version is: 11.2.20112.2055
<ig:GEWebDataGrid ID="gridIJE" runat="server" FunctionalityCode="IJE_InvoiceJournalEntry" VisibleControl="True" Width="100%" StyleSetName="Office2007Blue" DisableControl="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ViewStateMode="Enabled" DataKeyFields ="RowID" EnableDataViewState="True" EnableAjax="False">
<ig:UnboundCheckBoxField HeaderChecked="False" Key="UnboundCheckBoxField_0">
<Header Text=""></Header> </ig:UnboundCheckBoxField>
Hello Yadu,Can you please update us with the status of the issue. Did you manage to resolve it?
Hello Yady
You have not pointed where you are resetting the datasource and what kind of datasource you are using. I am attaching a small sample i used just to check what will happen with your code snippets but i could not reproduce the issue. Can you please attach a small sample reproducing the issue. If the archived sample is larger than 200k please send it to support@infragistics.com with title : "CAS-93530-RN3YMF"
Hi Team,
I understand what ClearDataSource does, but is it related to the tristate checkbox column? I dont understand as to why the unboundcheckbox column shows as tristate when i cleardatasource and bind the data again. However, on the first page load it shows as bistate checkbox column.
Hello,Please let me know if David's notes hepled you to resolve the issue.
When you call ClearDataSource, you actually clear out all unbound values from the grid since it is assumed you are giving a new data source.
David Young