I'm looking at an issue I can duplicate in IE7 and IE8 with Compatibility View. The page has two WebDataGrids insied a WebGroupBox that is on an UpdatePanel. EnableDataViewState is true. After binding a datasource (DataSet from SQL) to the grids, the iexplorer.exe process shows CPU activity when the page is sitting idle: no user interaction. It never seems to stop: I've waited up to an hour and the process shows CPU activity in TaskMan and ProcExp. Oddly, ProcMon doesn't show any disk, registry, network, or thread IO from the same process. In IE8, if you disable compatibility view the page laods and CPU returns to 0% until you interact with the page. I'm using version 11.1.20111.2158. The same issue occurs on other pages in the application that have WebDataGrid in WebGroupBox on UpdatePanel. Some grids have filtering and other don't but all have EnableDataViewState=True and cell selection. Example ASPX snippet.
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The attached ASPX wil produce the anomaly on a XP SP3 client.
I can finally duplicate the scenario is a non-frameset page. It is a very specific setup to reproduce the issue. Is there a way for me to upload a zipped solution that will demonstrate? Site.Master needs to have a WebDataMenu and the content page has a WebDataGrid with filtering enabled. You don't need to have a data source bound to the grid. Disabling the filtering behavior on the grid makes the anomaly stop.
The IE window will show CPU activity as long at it is not minimized or covered by another application. I'm duplicating this on XP SP3 and I notice when you open Task Manager, the iexplorer.exe process stops using CPU cycles so I'm using sysinternal's Process Explorer to monitor the CPU usage. I tile both windows and if you minimize/restore the browser window you see the CPU usage when restored and you are not doing anything in the window.
I see the same anomaly if I have a WebDatePicker on the content page, but only after I click the dropdown to show the calendar.
Hi dc06663,
Thanks for the reply.
I made some research and i found that IE7 have some issues with framesets. I would suggest you to avoid using frames if it is not required.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Agreed: very strange. When I built a completely new project the issue did not occur; however, when I re-use the "parent application" that provides the frameset it does. That application is also an Infragistics app (2007-something) that no one has touched in years. Fortunately I have the source and I upgraded it, but left it CLR2.0 (my app is CLR3.5) and had the same issue. I'm going to play around (upgrade it to CLR3.5 and start adding things from it into my new "test" project to naroow things down more.
Hello dc06663,
This is very strange behavior. In order to be able to provide more insight I would need a small isolated sample website, replicating the issue.
Thank you.