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can't find an image in a TemplateDataField


I've a webdatagrid with a TemplateDataField:

 <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Id" Hidden="true" Key="Id">
  <Header Text="Id" />
 <ig:TemplateDataField Key="Zuweisen" Width="70px">
   <asp:Button ID="btnZuweisen" runat="server" Text="=>" >
   <img id="imgNeueAnfrage" alt="" src="./Bilder/ico_16_112.gif" />
  <Header Text="Bild"/>

In the InitializeRow-Event, I try to find the Controls:

Dim Button As Button = CType(e.Row.Items(1).FindControl("btnZuweisen"), Button)
Dim Bild As HtmlImage = CType(e.Row.Items(1).FindControl("imgNeueAnfrage"), HtmlImage )

I find the button, but not the image. Why?


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