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Add row when button is pressed

I have a WebDataGrid and am able to add a row if I insert the data and tab off or hit the enter key, but I have a save button outside of the grid that the users are used to pressing after they have updated existing records and I want them to be able to press this button when they have inserted new data to add a new row. Any suggestions?

Parents Reply
  • 4315
    Offline posted in reply to Angela Gunderson

    Hi, Algunderson.

    You can check if this isn't your problem. You need to call:

    $find("<%=grid.ClientID%>") instead of $find("grid"), if your control isn't with static id.

    As far as about the sample that I sent you, the row is added but it's in the end of the grid at the last page, that's why you cannot see it. Do you want to have seperate "Save"  button for every row or one for the whole grid?

