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Copy from Grid to excel Shows the Hidden Column

I am using webdatagrid in infragistics Version=11.2.20112.2141

While copying the cell from grid and pasting to excel ,I found Hidden columns also get copy if they exits between 2 selected cells, My grid has groupfield columns also.


 i am using the following Behaviors for the grid .Please advise me what  i am doing wrong

           <ig:Clipboard CopyColumnHeader="false"  CopyFormatted="false" Enabled="true"  IgnoreHidden="true" EnableCopy="true"  />
            <ig:RowSelectors Enabled="false" />
            <ig:Selection CellSelectType="Multiple" CellClickAction="Cell" ColumnSelectType="Multiple" RowSelectType="Multiple" EnableHiddenSelection="false" />
            <ig:Activation Enabled="true" />
                       <CellEditingClientEvents ExitedEditMode="WebDataGrid1_ExitingEditMode" />