Hi team,
I not able to change web data grid itemtemplate field color change.Please guide me reslove this problem
please find the code below ,
<igrid:WebDataGrid ID="uwgPlanning" CssClass="FrameStyle" Height="420px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" runat="server" Width="100%" EnableAjax="False" EnableDataViewState="true" EnableViewState="true" EnableTheming="False"> <Columns> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Tank" Key="TankNameTag" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Last Service Change" Key="TimeStamp" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> <igrid:GroupField Key="PVAP" Header-Text="Accounting Product" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> <Columns> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Code" Key="ActgPrCode" Header-CssClass="Headercaption" > </igrid:UnboundField> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Description" Key="ActgPrDesc" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> </Columns> </igrid:GroupField> <igrid:GroupField Key="PP" Header-Text="Planning Product" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> <Columns> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Group" Key="PlngGroup" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Subgroup1" Key="PlngSubgroup1" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Subgroup2" Key="PlngSubgroup2" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> </Columns> </igrid:GroupField> <igrid:UnboundField Header-Text="Chgd By" Key="ActgProductUser" Header-CssClass="Headercaption"> </igrid:UnboundField> </Columns> </igrid:WebDataGrid>
i wanted to change item field background white & border style : soiled, width:1px
thanks for advance
Hello Ranganathan,
Thank you for your reply. Glad that you were able to find a solution. Please note that if using the correct selectors as described in WebDataGrid's styling guide, it may should not be necessary to force the background color using !important.
Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
Thanks for your reply team,
I got solution, please find the details below this mail,
clsitemdesign { background-color:White !important; background-image:none; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:Gray; }
please let me know any thing required from my side.
Ranganathan palanisamy
Hello ranganathanpalanisamy,
Thank you for posting in the community.
WebDataGrid's cells may be styled using CSS. A detailed guide on how this can be achieved can be found at:
Please let me know if you have any questions.