I have a requirement where I need to bind Xml Data to the grid and perform crud operations on the same. I will have the Xml as a string but not in a file.
Is there any way to use ASP.NET XmlDataSource or any other control to bind Xml data to Infragistics Grid, so that the data will be appropriately displayed without any backend processing? Please provide me with a sample.
Also, please help me with any other alternatives to achieve the same, if any.
Hi Nikolay ,
I am working on the same problem. I have an XML file amd need to convert it into infragistics grid and then perform all the CRUD operations on the infragistics grid. Can you please guide me how to start and what to use?
Hello nancy1985,
I'm just checking if you need any further assistance with the matter.
Hi nancy1985,
WebDataGrid does not support XmlDataSource - http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2012.1/CLR4.0/?page=WebDataGrid_Supported_Data_Sources.html. You could use WebHierarchicalDataGrid, however in this case you should convert the string to a xml file and use it as a DataFile for the XmlDataSource.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.