in my WHDG i have several columns and several summary types (standard and custom summaries). I have some questions about this:
1. I need to have summary type name in the first column (eg: "sum=") and only summary value in the other columns (eg:"23,21"). It is possible with a workaround?
2. I have several summaries. There is a collapse/expand effect for the summaries as like as for child rows?
3. It is possible make summaries scrollable with the grid instead of fixed at the bottom?
You can set FormatString on the column in order to show either summary type or summary value. <ig:SummaryRow><ColumnSettings><ig:SummaryRowSetting ColumnKey="ID"><SummarySettings><ig:SummarySetting FormatString="{0} " /></SummarySettings></ig:SummaryRowSetting></ColumnSettings></ig:SummaryRow>
Refer to the link below that will give you more details on this:
I have several summaries. There is a collapse/expand effect for the summaries as like as for child rows?
In order to look in to this let me know how you want to group by summary to get expansion indicator.
Summaries are shown in the bottom of the cell. I am not certain even if you scroll summaries it will be empty space. In order to implement this functionality you can wrap grid in a div and use div scrollbar.
I hope this helps.
thanks for solution about summaryrow formats.
In the matter of collapse/expand effect I mean that i need hide or show summary rows, without any grouping.
About scrolling, i need lock headers as like as it works now. Scrolling inside a div element make headers scrollable and I don't want this.
Thanks a lot
Thank you for additional details. Based on functionality you described I would recommend you to set CSS class in the column setting for any of the column. You can also set CSS class for all the row using SummariesCssClass as shown below:
<ig:SummaryRow SummariesCssClass="allrow" ><ColumnSettings><ig:SummaryRowSetting ColumnKey="City"><SummarySettings><ig:SummarySetting CssClass="hide" /></SummarySettings></ig:SummaryRowSetting></ColumnSettings></ig:SummaryRow>
I am just following up to see if you have any further questions with this matter.