Hey Guys!
I've created my own control with this webcaptcha.
My problem is now, if a User give the wrong securitycode input, ill never get the webcaptcha to valid = true, except the user refreshes the captcha manually!
So my question is can i refresh the captcha from code behind of my C# library?
I mean there must be some javascriptfunction ill call and get a new captcha.
Other thing is, if ill use my own editor control, ill get at the first time a value in code behind.
But same thing if there is a wrong securitycode and the user tries it again, ill not get a value in code behind?!
I'm using Infragistics35.Web.v10.2.
Thanks for helping!
I am having this same problem. The first time you enter the code, it is invalid. If you click refresh and then enter the code, it is valid. Very frustrating.