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Access checkbox of ItemTemplateColumn through javascript - firefox


I'm using Infragistics v12.1.

I have a webdatagrid like this:

<ig:WebDataGrid EnableDataViewState="true" ID="wdgPorAlocar" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableAjax="False" ShowFooter="true">   


<ig:TemplateDataField Key="Alocar_" Width="20px">         

       <div style="text-align: left;">               
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="checkAll1(event);" />            
        <div style="text-align: left;">               
             <asp:CheckBox ID="Key_" runat="server" Checked='<%# Eval("Alocar") %>' />            




<ClientEvents Initialize="intializeGrid1" ="intializeGrid1" />   
<Behaviors>       ...  </Behaviors>




Here's the javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">

        var webDataGrid1;

        function intializeGrid1(grid) {            
            webDataGrid1 = grid;        

        function checkAll1(evnt) {

            var chkBox = ? : evnt.srcElement;

            for (var i = 0; i < webDataGrid1.get_rows().get_length(); i++) {                
                webDataGrid1.get_rows().get_row(i).get_cellByColumnKey("Alocar_").get_element().all(0).all(0).checked = chkBox.checked;            


When I click the header checkbox of column "Alocar_" I want all the checkbox of the grid rows to be selected. This works fine in IE. But it doesn't work on firefox, it says that webDataGrid1.get_rows().get_row(i).get_cellByColumnKey("Alocar_").get_element().all is not a valid funcion. How can I achieve this in firefox?

Thank you


  • 745
    Verified Answer

    Never mind. I've already found a solution.

    Instead of using webDataGrid1.get_rows().get_row(i).get_cellByColumnKey("Alocar_").get_element().all(0).all(0).checked

    I can use


    And it works fine in both browsers.

    Thanks anyway