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How to fix this issue?

we are using ULTRA WebDataGrid and we found an issue: change column width and the scroll bar appears even when there is only 1 record in the grid.

we researched this issue and found: before changing column width, the code ' = availHt + "px" ' can work. But after changing column width, the code ' = availHt + "px" ' can't work.

var grid = igtbl_getGridById("<%=grdTracing.ClientID %>");

if (grid) { = availHt + "px"; = availWt + "px"; = "auto";


Do you have some suggestions about this? Thank you very much!

  • 37874

    Hi chenliucn,

    I tested the UltraWebGrid with your code and I could not reproduce the issue, the code worked as expected. I used v11.1.20111.2178. Can you share a small sample, replicating the issue, or the version of our controls you are using?

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