We have a webhierachicaldatagrid within a webtab. Whenever a postback occured, the grid streched longer and had some rendering issues.
We were able to fix this by setting EnableAjax as false. However, now when we migrate from one tab to the other, the grid is again stretching to almost 10 times it's original width. Kindly help us fix this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
We are experiencing the same issue on another page as well. When the user navigates to the page that has a web tab and webhierarchicaldatagrid it looks fine and then after about 7-10 seconds the page expands very far to the right. This doesn't happen for all users, currently just the one. Is there any known setting in IE9 that can cause this problem for an individual user?
Also, on the WebTab control if we mentioned the width in % then the issue comes. If the Width is mentioned in PX then this issue is not coming.
<ig:webtab runat="server" Width ="1024px"> -> Working fine
<ig:webtab runat="server" Width ="100%"> -> Not working. WebTab width gets increased automatically on alternate refresh.
But, we need to give as % only as it has to take the resolution from the system. not the fixed one (PX). Please check and provide the fix.
Iam still getting the same error. Bellow is the grid getting streched automatically. At the time of page load it displays fine after we click on any Grid column for sorting OR click on an another IE browser tab after that the attaced error prompts.
Hello Udhaya,
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional assistance with this matter.
Hello Udhaya ,
How exactly are showing and hiding the grid?
Are you showing and hiding the Panel control or the grid control by setting the Visible property are hiding/showing the element on the client side?
I’m attaching a sample for your reference. Let me know if I’m missing anything.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.