I use WebDatePicker whith webmonthCalendar.
To open the calendar, I have to use the blue arrow.
Is it possible, instead to use a button with an image of calendar on the right of the control, like
most websites use.
Hello drpoalim,
Please feel free to contact me if any additional questions regarding this scenario arise.
It should be possible to use the control's Init event for this task.
Please let me know if this helps.
Is it possible to do it on any of the control's events?
I want to create my own inherited control from your control.
Thank you for your reply.
Setting the ImageUrl dynamically from the code behind should be done at the PreInit stage (Init stage if a master page is used) in order to ensure that the control's viewstate is properly reloaded:
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreInit(e); WebDatePicker2.Buttons.CustomButton.ImageUrl = "ig_res/Default/images/igmc_headerbg.png"; }
Hope this helps.