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WebDatePicker fails to render when disabled then re-enabled in a hidden roweditcontrol


I currently have a problem for which I find no solution at the moment

When my data is in a certain state, I disable editing and set some controls to set_enabled(false) in order to disable editing but permit reading data from the rowedittemplate

When data is in an editable state, I set the controls enabled with set_enabled(true) again, but when I open the rowedittemplate, the default value has disappeared and the drop down button which opens the calendar is greyed, as if the control was not rendered correctly

I tried using the _repaint() method, but it doesn't seem to work...

I'm proceeding to those actions via the rowDeleted and rowAdded events where I check data state

If someone was kind enough to help, that would be really nice

PS: extracting an exemple is not an easy option due to the project dependencies, so something like an indication of the best practice is welcome, so I can find a way to improve behavior

Thanks a lot!

  • 37874

    Hi Antoine,

    Can you provide me with some more information, like what events you use to set the controls enabled/disabled? Is it possible to share your code for these operations?

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