I'm continueing with a problem found in
I've implemented the solution, but when I open the dropdown, my entire content of my tab moves up.
(see printscreen)
What can i check to resolve this?
Thanks Maya, this resolved my problem.
FYI, I had NO other scrollbars present in my form.
Thanks for the solution.
Hello Razieltje ,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
Are there perhaps any other scrollbars on the page?
The scrollIntoView() might be affecting them as well.
To scroll only the container you could do something like this:
This uses the jQuery’s scrollTop method. Since we call this only on the parent container it shouldn't affect anything else on the page.
Let me know if you need further assistance with this.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer II
Infragistics, Inc.