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Ultrawebgrid dropdown column and date column always visible

Please help me, how to make dropdown columns and date columns always appear, instead of double click and view, our customer find difficult to know which one dropdown and date columns in the webdatagrid.


  • 24671


    since you've posted this to the WebDataGrid forum, but you are referring to UltraWebGrid in the title, could you clarify which one you're using - WebDataGrid, or UltraWebGrid?

    The reason to have them hidden by default is primarily for performance - in this way, only one instance of the combo/dropdown are used for the whole grid, and their position and data source are just changed depending on which cell you click on. Otherwise, if you have X number of records, there would be X number of dropdowns for every column, that's basically X control instances, separate from the grid, which may be a performance overkill - depending on how many records you load in the grid, of course.

    Thanks very much,


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