Is there a way to find a WebDataMenuItem by its key value?
I currently have to iteratively loop through all of the Items and their children using get_key on each one to find the one I want.
I'm all set. Thanks.
I'm just checking if you have any further questions regarding the matter.
Yes, this is correct. FindDataMenuItemByKey searches only the direct child items of an item.
Is it true that even on the server side you would have to know under which item the item is located?
I'd have to do something like WebDataMenu1.Items.FindDataMenuItemByKey("ParentItemKey")Items.FindDataMenuItemByKey("ItemKey");
if the item is located one level down.
There's no way to find the item within all branches of the control in one call?
Hello Ian,
Unfortunately there is no client-side method allowing to get an item by key. It is possible only server-side using the FindDataMenuItemByKey method:
Please let me know if you have any further questions.