1. when entering support request here:
both in ff and ie following errors are shown :
"Please provide description" and "Please provide the steps to reproduce your problem "
2. Please enter support request on by behalf, and send me back tracking number (user: dynacon8):
"Cell does not enter edit mode more than once when editing child bands"
Using 12.1.20121.2236, CLR 3.5
1. run attached sample
2. expand top level band row
3. edit something in first row of child band
4. double click on cell in second row of child band
Result : cell does not enter edit mode
Should be : cell allows to enter edit mode and change value.
Please help - fix needed asap.
Version .2137 was working OK, but attached sample causes Visual Studio 2010 to hang when opened Default.aspx in designer ("design view")
Version .2156 does not cause visual studio hang, but error described above have appeared
Version .2236 bug still exists
p.s. If I was not clear enough - it is not possible to create support request on your webpage, even if all fields are filled webpage still reports fields empty error.
Hi Arthur,
I have taken a look at the attached sample. In the sample provided, the DataKeyFields property for the child Band is not set and the grid is throwing an exception saying that this property is required for edits to work. Once I set that property I was able to reproduce the behavior you are describing.
In the sample Selection behavior is enabled with RowSelectType set to single and the RowSelectionChanged set to true. With these settings the behavior you are seeing is expected as when you click off of the edited cell in the first row to the second row the grid will post back since the selection has changed, since the grid is in the middle of a postback the cell cannot enter edit mode, since the whole control is being repainted. Once the grid comes back from postback triggered by selection changed if you double click again the action will be processed and the cell will enter edit mode.
Thank You
I will continue this discussion under CAS-116966-L6F8X6.
In the meantime I have received TWO automated emails with same content.
"You were sent this email because you opted to receive email notifications when someone responded to this thread."
If your support forum represents your quality there is a lot of work for you to do