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Master-/Detailgrid combined

Hello there,

since I posted with the wrong account the last time, I ask again:

I need a master- and a detail-grid, something like this example:

So far, so easy, but I need the detail-grid to act like a sub-row, and not in the bottom of the master-grid.

Is this possible without a hierarchical datagrid, otherwise I have to redo everything =)

Kinda like this one:

Thanks for your response

Müller Matthias

  • 2783

    Hello Matthias,

    I am sorry but this is not possible with WedDataGrid. The good news is that WebHierarchicalDataGrid is designed just for such a scenario and implementing it will not be hard. All you have to do is create your hierarchical datasource and give that to the grid.



    Olga Kerchentseva

    ASP.NET Principal Software Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.

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