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HTML Editor and IE10

I'm using HTML Editor 11.1.20111.1006, framework 4.0, and until IE10 that worked fine.
When I use the same application, in Google Chrome or Firefox everything works as it should be.
The published version as well as in VS2012.
But, when it's published and I'm using IE10, the HTML editor does not respond, I can type text but
when I want to change for instance the background color nothing happens.
And when run it in VS2012, using IE10 and try to change the color I get an script error:
Unhandled exception at line 26, ... 0x800a138f - Runtime-error Javascript

(my system: Win7, 64-bit, Visual Studio 2012, Infragistic .Net 2011)

How Can I find out what's going on?

friendly greetings,




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  • 24497

    Hi Jürgen,

    I looked at history of fixes in WebHtmlEditor and found a change related to IE10 on 7/5/2012. I am pretty sure that current/latest versions work under IE10. I suggest you to upgrade NetAdvantage.

    If you cannot or do not want to update to latest version, then you may try to get around that specific problem in your version of WebHtmlEditor. Though, you will need to use explicit js files for WebHtmlEditor instead of embedded resources. To use explicit js files, you should set WebHtmlEditor.JavaScriptDirectory to a directory local to your website and copy there all 4 ig_htmleditor*.js files.

    The fix is quite simple: find and replace all statements "htmlElement.document" by "htmlElement.ownerDocument". There are only 3 lines affected by that.

    1. ig_htmleditor.js:

    2. ig_htmleditor.js:
    function iged_mainEvt(e)

    3. ig_htmleditor_ie.js:
    function iged_init(ids,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)
       //o._doc=function(){return this._elem.document;}
       o._doc=function(){return this._elem.ownerDocument||this._elem.document;}

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