I cannot set selected index in IE8.
I get error in IG script
_doSize: function()
on this place
/* adjust content holder */ val = height0;/*height=0*/ height0 = Math.max(height0 - head - 2, 1);/*height=1*/ if (cph.style.height != (v = height0 * 100 / val + '%'))/*v = 1 * 100 /0;so v=Infinity */ cph.style.height = v;/*exception v=Infinity*/
Hi Anton,
Thank you for report. I was not able to reproduce that issue, until I put WebTab in a hidden container.
A bug report for that issue had been submitted and fixed. Updates will be available in coming service releases.
If your application has exception in different scenario, then please give more details or attach (within OPTIONS tab) a simple page, which can be used to reproduce that issue.
If you need an urgent fix or you use version of NetAdvantage prior to 12.2, then the best I can suggest, is to include following hack/override for webtab. You may add those codes anywhere after WebTab was created, but before your call to set_selectedIndex.var tab = $find('WebTab1');if (!tab._fixSize_override) { tab._fixSize_override = tab._fixSize; tab._fixSize = function (check) { if (!this.get_element().offsetHeight) return false; return this._fixSize_override(check); }}//tab.set_selectedIndex(2);