why infragastics control gets load after client side event..
i have added alert on clientside but when it get's fired the ultra control gets disappeared..
after i click ok on alert then ultra controls gets visible.
Hello Annie,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have some follow up questions concerning this matter:
What control/s are you using? What platform? What version of NetAdvantage are you using?
I look forward to hearing from you.
I m using Infragistics v12 webdatamenu controls.Dotnet v2010.Same problem also with Webtab.
v12.2 of NetAdvantage.I have attached my file.i have fire alert on server side.
my client side alert are working proper.
Thank you for the update. I have done some further looking into this matter and your sample. I am unable to run your sample due to dependencies that you haven’t included. I have found the following link that describes how you can call an alert on the server side:
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.
thank you sir .
but still i m stuck into this ...applying this on server side my full page get postback.
how do i fire alert on server side .
i have appky the css for web datamenu display:inline !important it solve my problem but my page layout get change.
Thank you for the update. I have a few follow up questions concerning this matter:
The Stackoverflow article I provided, did you try the method there? What was the result? You mention applying CSS to resolve an issue? What issue is this? What are you trying to achieve?
On server side, i am using stringbuilder to fire alert ,but when my alert fire infra datamenu controls get dissappear after when i click Ok on alert...datamenu controls appear.Actualyy using registerscriptblock the whole page postback.There is no issue regarding client side alert.
But my Problem solved by Using CSS
first I used this Css
:inline !important;
Which is changing my whole page design layout problem.
now I used
:inline-block !important;
this is working fine.
Thank you.