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Activity description disappears from appointments.

I have a problem with ASP.NET WebSchedule (11.1.20111.2064).

In this version, the Description field disappears from the Activity.

I am able to create new appointments, and the descriptions are saved OK to the database. However, if I try to edit an appointment, the description disappears.

This happens if I grab an appointment in the calendar, and move it. It also happens when I save the appointment after editing it in AppointmentAdd.aspx. The edit dialog never gets the description value from the database.

This code is from ig_addAppointmentDialogForm.js:

var appointment = dialogInterface.getAppointment();  


var description = document.getElementById("txtMsgBody");  

description.value = appointment.getDescription();

The description.value is always empty, but all the other fields are fetched OK.


I have noticed that in the database, the description column in the Activity table has been renamed from ActivityDescription to Description.

Is it possible that not all the code in this Version is using this new column name?



Ole K