We have a memory problem with our website.
We have 3 DataTree update each minute with a timer.
To update, we make a DT.nodes.clear() and recreate all nodes.
But we see in firefox that there still exist orphan nodes, and after hours, that "crash" firefox
what is the best method to refresh the trees without effect of orphan nodes ?
Hello dufour01,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I may need more information from you.
If possible please share the code associated with the WebDataTree together with your reply.
I attached my source code
I set it to false, but still same problem
any news ?
Can you reproduce my problem ?
Thank you for the information.
Let us set the ChilcdrenAsTrigger to false. If you have any questions, please let me know as well.
No, always orphan-nodes ...
I am just following up and see if you have any questions