Is it possible to change the GroupAreaVisibility in a WebHierarchicalDataGrid from JavaScript? I am able to do this for the visibility of the FilterRow, but can't find how to do it for Grouping.
Hello Alistair, In general there is a get method to be used with JavaScript, but there is no set method. So what can be done is to get the DOM element associated with the GroupAreaVisibility, and modify its CSS style. The default one is located in the project / ig_res folder/ ig_hierarchicalDataGrid.css .ighg_GroupArea
background: #EEEEEE url(images/ighg_GroupAreaBg.png) repeat-x;
border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;
padding: 10px;
color: #333333;
} ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage):
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I am just checking about the progress of this issue.
Did you solve your issue accordingly the information that I provided to you?
Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Thanks for your suggestions, however we managed to find a different way of achieveing what we were trying to do. Cheers.