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How to define custome location of CSS & Images folder in WHDG?


We are using WHDG 2013. In our project, we have two different folders, 'CSS' & 'Images'. We want to add all the WHDG related CSS into the 'CSS' folder and all images related to WHDG into 'Images' folder.

Can you pls. tell us, how we can define the 'CSS' & 'Images' folder path to WHDG?

We have tried to include all the CSS files just above the WHDG and give the specific Image URL path, i.e. AscendingImageUrl, DescendingImageUrl, ImageUrl for AJAXIndicator. Somewhat we have achieved but 'expansion/collapsible button' image not getting displays and when we tries to export data into 'Excel' (Excel Exporter) or 'PDF' (Document Exporter) then we are getting disturbed UI even though we have set the 'EnableStylesExport' true.

If we add all the 'CSS' files and 'Images' folder inside 'ig_res\Default\' folders at root level of the project then UI on the Web Page and Export functionality working fine.

Thanks & Regards,

Yogesh Shah

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