following is my template data field column.I am using the code for displaying tooltip in web data grid as follows:
// For showing the tooltip in the grid.
function initGrid(grid, args) {
var rows = grid.get_rows();
var rowCount = rows.get_length();
var cellCount = rowCount > 0 ? rows.get_row(0).get_cellCount() : 0;
for (var r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
var row = rows.get_row(r);
for (var c = 0; c < cellCount; ++c) {
var cell = row.get_cell(c);
var cellEl = row.get_cell(c).get_element();
cellEl.title = cell.get_text();
But I get link button control's client id on the tooltip in the template data field. However it is working fine for normal columns.
<ig:TemplateDataField Header-Text="<%$ resources:screenlabel="" message_title="">"
Key="MESSAGE_TITLE" Width="150px">
<als:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lbtnSubject" Text='<%# eval="" message_title="">'
OnClick="lbtnSubject_Click" />
I want to display item template text in tooltip.Thanks
Hello Akshay,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. I took a look at your question and modified the function initGrid() to match your requirements as follows:
function initGrid(grid, eventArgs){ var rows = grid.get_rows(); var rowCount = rows.get_length(); var cellCount = rowCount > 0 ? rows.get_row(0).get_cellCount() : 0; for (var r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) { var row = rows.get_row(r); for (var c = 0; c < cellCount; ++c) { var cell = row.get_cell(c); var cellEl = row.get_cell(c).get_element(); var cellText = cell.get_text(); cellEl.title = ($(cellText).length == 0) ? cellText : $(cellText).text(); } }}
To help reduce the time and complexity, I referenced jquery library. To access jquery, please add the following line in your code in your markup.
<script src="//" ></script>
Please feel free to reach out to me if this does not answer your question or if anything is unclear.
I hope my response to your question has solved your query. Please let me know if you feel more explanation is needed.