I have a webhierarchial grid. I need to show a summary(Sum) values based on the group by condition of all the other columns.
For ex: There are columns resource, resource type, role, task, Hours 1, hours 2, Hours 3, Charge 1, Charge 2, Charge 3.
When I group by Task: The Task group by row should show the sum values for hours 1, hours 2, hours 3, charge 1, charge 2, charge 3 on the exact below header text of each columns.
When I group by Role: the role group by row should sum values for hours 1, hours 2, hours 3, charge 1, charge 2, charge 3 on the exact below header of each column.
Please send me the samples.
Hello Agilan,
As the default text masks do not support showing the group column's sums in the grouped row, manual customization of the displayed text will be required in this case. Detailed information on how this is achieved may be found in our documentation at:
Please feel free to contact me if you need more information.
Thanks Ivanov. I have already checked the custom group by link. One more question, it seems are group-by row is not presented based on the column hearder. All values are coming like a row. So we can't identify like a column wise separation of datas. The group-by row sum values should come just in the exact column header like summary row values.
Thank you for your reply.
I may be misunderstanding your requirement, however if you would like to access the data on a per-column basis, this can be done by accessing the grouped row'sRowscollection, which returns the row object in that group. The group row itself also contains a reference to the column used for grouping. Please let me know if I have misunderstood your question in any way.
Thank you for sharing your solution ! Please do not hesitate to contact me if any additional questions regarding this matter arise.
Hi Ivanov,
I have found out the solution for showign the column like "SUM" for multiple levels of "group by " by enhancing your sample. Thanks.
WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_ContainerGrid_Initialize(sender, eventArgs)
///<param name="sender" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.ControlMain"></param>
///<param name="eventArgs" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.EventArgs"></param>
// var categoryIDHeaderIndex = $("th[key='CategoryID']").index();
// var categoryNameIndex = $("th[key='CategoryName']").index();
var groupRows = sender.get_groupRows();
for (i = 0; i < groupRows.get_length(); i++) {
var element = groupRows.get_row(i).get_element();
var text = groupRows.get_row(i).get_text();
var values = text.split(' ');
//need to leave 2 tds - one for the root expander col, and one more indent for the child's expanders
element.cells[1].colSpan = 1;
element.cells[1].innerHTML =
//for categoryID
"<td colSpan='1'>" + values[0] + "</td>");
//for category name. notice that the colspan is 2 here in order to fill the entire row
"<td colSpan='2'>" + values[1] + "</td>");
//Child level 1
if (groupRows.get_row(0)._get_childGroupRowCount() > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < groupRows.get_row(i).get_childGroupRows().get_length(); j++) {
var childElementLevel1 = groupRows.get_row(i).get_childGroupRows().get_row(j).get_element();
var childLevel1text = groupRows.get_row(i).get_childGroupRows().get_row(j).get_text();
var childValues1 = childLevel1text.split(' ');
childElementLevel1.cells[1].colSpan = 1;
childElementLevel1.cells[1].innerHTML =
Hi Ivanov.
Thanks for your sample. It worked for the 1st level of grouped row. But when I create multiple levels(by dragging to description column to group row) the formatting was the issue for the other levels. Would you able to provide some sample, which can support multiple levels of grouped row.
I am attaching a sample illustrating how some additional td elements may be added at the group row level in order to put some distance between the grouped row's values. Please note that this is a custom approach and cannot be guaranteed to work under all circumstances. Below is the code used to inject the td elements given that the group row contains custom text of the values of 2 columns:
function WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_ContainerGrid_Initialize(sender, eventArgs) { ///<summary> /// ///</summary> ///<param name="sender" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.ControlMain"></param> ///<param name="eventArgs" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.EventArgs"></param> var categoryIDHeaderIndex = $("th[key='CategoryID']").index(); var categoryNameIndex = $("th[key='CategoryName']").index(); var groupRows = sender.get_groupRows(); for (i = 0; i < groupRows.get_length(); i++) { var element = groupRows.get_row(i).get_element(); var text = groupRows.get_row(i).get_text(); var values = text.split(' '); //need to leave 2 tds - one for the root expander col, and one more indent for the child's expanders element.cells[1].colSpan = 1; element.cells[1].innerHTML = ""; //for categoryID $(element).append("<td colSpan='1'>" + values[0] + "</td>"); //for category name. notice that the colspan is 2 here in order to fill the entire row $(element).append("<td colSpan='2'>" + values[1] + "</td>"); } }// -->
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thanks for the sample. It worked for the sum for the rows in the group. Could you please provide some sample to implement some kind of spacing in the group by row using the html table and colspan, width. I tried using the html table but the table is not generating instead the text was displayed in the row.
Please help.